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Floral Pentakisdodecahedron
Floral Pentakisdodecahedron
WLED Dual of 4 Frequency Icosahedral Geodesic Sphere Lamp
WLED Dual of 4 Frequency Icosahedral Geodesic Sphere Lamp
Geometric Pattern Stellated Rhombic Triacontahedron
Geometric Pattern Stellated Rhombic Triacontahedron
Lord of the Rings themed Polyhedral
37.1% in between a Icosidodecahedron and its dual, a Rhombic Triacontahedron
Lord of the Rings themed Polyhedral
37.1% in between a Icosidodecahedron and its dual, a Rhombic Triacontahedron
Demerit Badge Rhombicosadodecahedron
Demerit Badge Rhombicosadodecahedron
Deltoidal Hexecontahedron
Deltoidal Hexecontahedron
Hollow Small Triambic Icosahedron
Hollow Small Triambic Icosahedron
WLED 4-Frequency Octahedral Geodesic Sphere
WLED 4-Frequency Octahedral Geodesic Sphere
Stellation of Strombic Hexecontahedron
Stellation of Strombic Hexecontahedron
Dual Morph 27.2 Pentagonal Antiprism
Dual Morph 27.2 Pentagonal Antiprism
Strombic Hexecontahedron
Strombic Hexecontahedron
24.4% Dual Morph Heptagonal Antiprism Vase
24.4% Dual Morph Heptagonal Antiprism Vase
Green Marble Pentakisdodecahedron
Green Marble Pentakisdodecahedron
Snub Cube Maze
Snub Cube Maze
Pentagonal Hexacontahedron
Pentagonal Hexacontahedron
Compass Rose Themed Polyhedral on Cedar
Compass Rose Themed Polyhedral on Cedar
WLED Dual of 4 Frequency Icosahedral Geodesic Sphere Lamp
WLED Dual of 4 Frequency Icosahedral Geodesic Sphere Lamp
Deltoidal Hexecontahedron
Deltoidal Hexecontahedron
Augmented Hexagonal Antiprism Birdhouse
Augmented Hexagonal Antiprism Birdhouse
Deltoidal Hexecontahedron
Deltoidal Hexecontahedron
WLED Dual of 4 Frequency Icosahedral Geodesic Sphere Lamp
WLED Dual of 4 Frequency Icosahedral Geodesic Sphere Lamp
Augmented Hexagonal Antiprism Birdhouse
Augmented Hexagonal Antiprism Birdhouse
Morph Dual By Expansion Icosidodecahedron 50%
Morph Dual By Expansion Icosidodecahedron 50%
Snub Cube Maze
Snub Cube Maze
Deltoidal Hexecontahedron
Deltoidal Hexecontahedron
Morph Dual By Expansion Icosidodecahedron 50%
Morph Dual By Expansion Icosidodecahedron 50%
24.4% Dual Morph Heptagonal Antiprism Vase
24.4% Dual Morph Heptagonal Antiprism Vase
Deltoidal Hexecontahedron
Deltoidal Hexecontahedron
WLED Dual of 4 Frequency Icosahedral Geodesic Sphere Lamp
WLED Dual of 4 Frequency Icosahedral Geodesic Sphere Lamp